TCT offers a variety of cutting tools to best suit your routing needs in PCB fabrication.

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Diamond-cut routers

Type of router Diameter range Application


0.4-3.175 mm

TCT RCF series router with diamond cut geometry for general purpose contouring can approach a maximum tool life when tools are used on well maintained equipment which is assisted with good pressure foot holding system.


0.8-3.175 mm

TCT RTF/RTD series router with special rough teeth can produce a higher productivity under high chip load operation parameter, which should be assisted with a better vacuum system.


1.5-2.5 mm

Diamond coated router specifically for PCB/BGA.

Endmill routers

Type of router Diameter range Application

E200R series

0.4-3.0 mm

End mill with 2 flutes, right hand, up cut: TCT E200R series end mill is designed with appropriate rank angle to maintain a sharp cutting edge and excellent surface finish on Teflon, flexible boards, aluminium and plastic materials. Besides, E200R is ideally suited for BGA boards to meet its strict requirements.

E300S series

0.4-3.0 mm

End mill with 2 flutes, right hand, up cut: TCT E300S series end mill with 3 straight flutes is especially suited for the conductor routing of gold finger to have an excellent sharp cutting edge quality.

Diamond coated routers

Type of router Application


CVD coated routers to increase life time and for better accuracy in hard
material and aluminium.

Special routers

Type of router Diameter range Application

AR – Aluminium routers

1.6-2.4 mm

TCT ARES series is especially designed for aluminium board contouring. It can improve the burr problem and provide sharp edge quality.

CC – Chamfer cutter

3.2-6.5 mm

TCT CC series chamfer cutter is designed to produce shape groove of PCBS. CC is mainly used for inside slot chamfering or screw hole drilling.

VG – V-groove cutter

Can be used on standard routing machine to make V-groove.

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